Friday, February 5, 2010

Love'em so much!

Here is my brother Brian with 2 of my beautiful neices Nala and Lexi.
I seriously love these pics!!! I CAN NOT believe these girls are so old. Seems like yesterday that Nala was riding around on her bike with training wheels wearing a swimsuit and snow boots.

What a cute dad!
Love you guys!

Lilia's meets the curling iron

She loves to get her hair done so she stood in the bathroom while I curled her all up. When I was done she looked like those little old ladies that just had their hair done.
I think I am gonna wait a little longer before I do it again.
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Cali 2010

The Waffler

Did I ever post our family picture?

The 'Iloa ohana took a few family pics before everyone flew back to Hawaii. I love this pic. How are these kids so old?????????? Seriously, Tara and Kristy were in Kahuku Elementary when I first met them. 'Uila and Joey were in diapers.
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The little 'iloa's

Mugz, 'Ile, Lills, Ash, Owie, Mote, Ma'a, and Fafi
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Tommy's baptism

here is a pic of Tommy and his friend David Deegan (I fully swiped this pic from his sister, Rachel's FaceBook) on their baptism day.
Tommy was baptised by Uncle Tommy,his name sake and friend Anja's dad (in blue sweater).Comfirmed by Uncle Harvey, Tommy's other name sake (on far left.)
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