Monday, April 19, 2010

Fishy fishy

Does this mean summer is right around the corner???
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Life long obsession!

OK, so he is only 5 but he has been in love with Hockey for at least 3 of the 5 years.
I heard there is a kids hockey league starting here in St. George and I REALLY want to get him started. The only problem is, Hockey is crazy pricey!
I feel like a bad mom if I don't do it. Boooo... mom guilt. I hate it!

Snips and snails and puppy dog tails...

That's what little boys are made of.

Lately my boys have been playing really hard. O dog comes in with dirt streaks on his face and Nifae with holes in his jean's knees.
I don't know why but this is the stuff that makes me so happy. This is what little boys are supposed to look like!

Tommi girl takes a tumble...

:( !!!!!!!!!!!
This little thing took a tumble down our stairs last week. She bonked up her nose and scraped up her lip. :(
Broke my heart! She still is a happy little doll! Love you Lills!
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Super Man facebooks?

Guess so.

Playtime with Lilia

My little baby has gotten so big. She is super tall and super chatty. She says lots of words and can say sentences like , "I miss you my Mama."
One of the best things about this growning girl is that she can hang with thte big dogs now when it comes to playtime. She likes to play in thier little kitchen and pretend games. She LOVES books and unloading and reloading ANYTHING into bags or buckets.

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About a year ago

Where does the time go?
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"It's a web like a spider's web"

Do you remember that girls camp song?

ANYWAY~ I forgot to post these fun pic from WJ when we were visiting my family.
Aunty Dre rocks and the kids had a blast. LOVE YOU GUYS!
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