Saturday, November 7, 2009

Lilia in 2-D

I made 10 paper dolls for Lilia's 1st bday party.
This was my first. When the boys woke up they thought it was so cool.. Owen was so cute, he walked right up to her and said, "Hi 'ikawai!" then kissed the doll. It was so funny and sweet.:)


Shannon said...

Yay you're back! :) I loved the paper dolls you made for Lil' Lilia! You're awesome!

Seth and Emry Gubler said...

I think it is adorable!

hine.T said...

I love that he recognized it as his sis! Way tooo cute!

Mandi said... are back. I was hoping this would be the case!

Hapa Mama said...

Thanks girls!
Yay, it's fun to be back in the blog world again! I missed you ladies!