Thursday, May 27, 2010

Joey's Talent Show

Joey and Sita preformed the song "Again" by John Legend. He sang and played the Ukulele
'Uila, Joey and Tara

Jessie, Ola, Baby Sophia, Aunty Rhonda 'Uila and Tara came out to support him.
So proud if this boy! He is so talented and is finishing off the year with a 3.8 GPA. WAY TO GO JOE!!!!Joey and the talent show MC. He was hilarious!


Anonymous said...

I thought this was funny...the talent show MC kinda looks like he could be Wyatt in a few years!! LOL...Love ya, Bobbi

Hapa Mama said...

He TOTALLY reminded me of Wyatt. He was funny like Wyatt.