Sunday, December 12, 2010

Song, Scripture, Prayer

Back in June we added scripture study to our nightly song and family prayer.
Tommy and I have been amazed at how much our family has grown from this simple thing. We only read a few verses a night and discuss it. We have had many answers to prayer through this small act. I can not believe we only started doing this now. I love it.
The kids do, too. They have all learned to sit quietly for the most part and everyone participates....
...most of the time...

Here is Odogg studying so quietly and calmly.
This would be the Oriental Trading Company catalog. Ever since all the Christmas mailers have been coming he has been CONSUMED by the dream of being a "consumer". He studies these for hours and carries them around everywhere. While my mom was here this Dec she even hunted down a Walmart ad in the paint isle because it was the one he has lost.

Is this post sac-religious?

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