Tuesday, July 20, 2010

playing sardines

This game is the opposite of Hide And Go Seek. One person hides and then everyone tries to find them. When you find them you hide with them. The last person to find you is it. Then you all count in that same spot and the one person who is it runs off and hides.

Here are the kids counting while Owen is hiding.
I played with them and had a total blast. I remember playing it in High School at friends house but with all the lights off. SO FUN!
Lilia was the last to find us all in the laundry room. She was actually pretty good. She knows all the secret spots in the house already.
Jah's spot under the boys bed. I could actually fit under there. LOL

What cute kids! I love living by fun neighbors!
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1 comment:

Emily said...

this used to be one of my favorites too! love it!